23 Aprile Giornata Mondiale del Libro
Oggi, 23 Aprile, Giornata Internazionale del Libro, in quanto Associazione Mondiale Giornaliste e Scrittrici (AMMPE) rendiamo omaggio alle nostre amiche e colleghe scrittrici!
Oggi, 23 Aprile, Giornata Internazionale del Libro, in quanto Associazione Mondiale Giornaliste e Scrittrici (AMMPE) rendiamo omaggio alle nostre amiche e colleghe scrittrici!
Giornaliste, ricercatrici, comunicatrici si sono riunite a Barcellona. Anche AMMPE è stata presente. La situazione dei profughi a causa delle guerre, del clima e della povertà nell’area del Mediterraneo; aumento dell’inquinamento ambientale nonostante gli impegni dei paesi europei per il cambiamento climatico; la libertà di stampa e l’esercizio della professione per le giornaliste dove la…
The Worldwide Association of Women Journalist and Writers (AMMPE) condemns and repudiates Turkey’s retreat from Istanbul Convention about violence against women, even if in that country were reported 78 femicides this year and more than 300 last year. President Erdogan has justified the measure by stating that this Convention would violate the traditional family by allowing…
Agnese Pini, director of the newspaper ‘La Nazione’, is among the 100 successful Italian women selected by Forbes. She is the first woman in the newspaper’s 160-year history to hold this position and the youngest newspaper editor in Italy. Congratulations dear Agnes!
On Wednesday, October 19, the Minister Secretary General of the Government of Chile, Camila Vallejo, received the president of the Worldwide Association of Women Journalist and Writers (AMMPE), Elia Simeone. Also present at the meeting were Graciela Ibáñez, vice president, and Eliana Jiménez, secretary of the Chilean organizing committee for the next World Congress of…
World Press Freedom Day: what consequences have created war and pandemic? The war and the pandemic have caused serious consequences for free information, the worsening of press freedom is now a global phenomenon. We communicators around the world have a duty to continue to denounce these injustices and abuses On May 3rd is celebrated…