Virtual meeting with Cecilia Domeyko, author of the novel «Sacrifice on the Border»

Cecilia Domeyko, Chilean author and journalist and a member of AMPPE was interviewed virtually from Washington, DC  today July 15, 2021 in a lively exchange with online panelists about her gripping novel, Sacrifice on the Border: A Mother Searches for her Stolen Child.   The book tells the story of young mother, Yoali whose little boy, Elisito, is stolen by his drug trafficker father who doesn’t recognize the child as his, and plans to sell him on the black market.

The online event was organized by the North American Chilean Chamber of Commerce, the Gabriela Mistral Foundation and the Mariposa Cultural Foundation. Panelists were Manuelita Cody, President of the North American Chilean Chamber of Commerce; Gloria Garafulich, President of the Gabriela Mistral Foundation; and Patricia Mayorga, President of the World Association of Women Journalists and Writers, AMMPE.

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