Messaggio della Presidente Ammpe in occasione della Giornata Internazionale della Donna
Three Mexican journalists, José Luis Gamboa, Margarito Martínez Esquivel, and just a week later Lourdes Maldonado, were killed in Mexico along the first month in 2022. During the last three years Mexico sums up 28 journalists who have been killed. On January 25, people in 47 cities around Mexico rallied asking for justice. All who…
L’Associazione Mondiale di Giornaliste e Scrittrici (AMMPE) condanna l’assassinio della nostra collega afghana Malala Maiwand, uccisa a colpi d’arma da fuoco assieme al suo autista a Jalalabad (Afghanistan). Si tratta del più recente di una serie di omicidi selettivi commessi nel Paese contro figure influenti della società civile. Da circa un anno si sono intensificati…
Santiago, Chile. 2022 has been declared the year for «turquoise foreign policy», in which Chile has had an active participation in multilateral and bilateral forums. This was one of the topics addressed by the Worldwide Association of Women Journalists and Writers (AMMPE) with the director of the Diplomatic Academy of Chile, María del Carmen Domínguez….
La rivista Forbes Chile ha nominato le giornaliste Antonia Orellana, Mónica Rincón e Mónica González tra le 30 donne più potenti del Cile. Il gruppo editoriale descrive ciascuna delle nostre colleghe come segue: Antonia Orellana, Ministra degli Affari Femminili e dell’Uguaglianza di Genere Giornalista di professione, ha dedicato la sua carriera a diverse organizzazioni legate…
A web encounter with journalists from all around the world was realized by AMMPE World president Patricia Mayorga. In this meeting, the workshops made during this year have been analyzed and some topics were discussed for 2021, looking forward to the next Worldwide Congress. Rome, 22 dicember, 2020
The past Jun 30th, AMMPE Italy had organized a video conference with the IILA (Italian- Latin-American Institute) general secretary of Rome, Antonella Cavallari, and the socio-economic secretary, Sarah Cordero Pinchansky, to better know the projects that the institution, established in 1966, is carrying on the benefit of the Latin-American women with the objective of reducing…