Women journalists dedicate forum to the memory of political journalism pioneer

Source: Acento


The tribute includes the presentation of the basis for an annual award for Dominican women journalists.

The Second Forum of Dominican Women Journalists dedicated its annual meeting to Pía Antonia Rodríguez Contreras, the first woman to cover the post-Trujillo democratic elections in the Dominican Republic.

This tribute aims to initiate the reconstruction of the timeline of the incorporation of Dominican women into the world of communication.

"The purpose is to begin, with the tribute and recognition of the first woman to give coverage to the post-Trujillo democratic elections, the reconstruction of the timeline of the incorporation of Dominican women into the world of communication with their own momentum," said the organizing committee.

The tribute to Rodríguez Contreras is part of a broader effort to recognize and make visible the role of women in Dominican journalism, from the pioneers to the present.

The committee also announced the creation of an annual award for women journalists that will promote inclusive coverage of various national and international issues.

In addition to Rodríguez Contreras, the meeting also referred to Petronila Angélica Gómez Brea, who in 1922 founded the magazine Fémina, considered a milestone in Dominican women's journalism.

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