AMMPE Italy tackled the drama of domestic violence

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[et_pb_column type=»4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=»Text»]Celos, posesión, control, sumisión en el ámbito familiar constituyen un fenómeno amplio del que poco se conoce, excepto cuando el trágico epílogo es el feminicidio.

"Possession is not love" is the title of the meeting held by AMMPE Italy in collaboration with Noi Donne, the oldest and most influential Italian feminist publication based on the collection of testimonies of domestic violence by our member Guendalina di Sabatino in the book "Call her Friday".

At the meeting, moderated by the Secretary General of AMMPE Italy, Maria Chiara Petrassi, six stories of daily violence were analyzed. They reflected the fact that, despite the diversity of contexts, levels, socioeconomic situation, there is a dramatic thread that unites all these stories: male chauvinist, patriarchal and family violence that most of the time not only hits the victim directly, but also her sons and daughters who are not always given the necessary attention.

Weaves woven through invisible threads of provisions, norms, value systems, representations of feelings, schemes of rewards and punishments that pass through the language -of and in the family- not only verbal but also non-verbal, that is to say corporal, of which physical violence is one, obviously the most serious, of the expressions.

As we said at the beginning of this contribution, the figures of male violence against women are alarming and, unfortunately, are also constantly growing. As far as Italy is concerned, the latest report of the Ministry of the Interior indicates that in 2022 there were 125 femicides and, of these, 122, that is, more than 87%, were committed in the family or affective sphere, mainly by the partners or ex-partners of these women. And the Italian situation in the rest of the world is unfortunately not too different.

There is an element that is often overlooked in the wake of the violence of femicide: the orphans of this heinous crime. For this reason, AMMPE Italy is studying the possibility of asking the Italian Government to establish a day to commemorate the orphans of feminicide, hopefully extending this day to Europe and, if possible, to the whole world.


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