AMMPE joins UNiTE! campaign calling for investment to prevent violence against women and girls

The Worldwide Association of Women Journalists and Writers (AMMPE World) has joined the UNiTE! campaign calling for investment to prevent violence against women and girls. "More than five women or girls are murdered every hour by someone in their family and one in three women experience sexual or physical violence at least once in their lives. These figures are clear and alarming, as they show how more than half of the world's population suffers violence and that this evil has not been eradicated in our societies," said AMMPE President Elia Simeone.

El 86% de las mujeres y las niñas vive en países sin sistemas de protección legal contra la violencia de género y, para AMMPE, resulta preocupante el hecho de que las profesionales que forman para de esta asociación están reportando cómo se está usando las nuevas tecnologías para agredir, acosar y denostar a las mujeres.

AMMPE's statement was made in the framework of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is commemorated every 25 November.

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