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Forbes Chile magazine highlights three journalists among the 30 most powerful women in Chile
Forbes Chile magazine named journalists Antonia Orellana, Mónica Rincón and Mónica González among the 30 most powerful women in Chile. The editorial team describes each of our colleagues as follows: Antonia Orellana, Minister of Women’s Affairs and Gender Equality A journalist by profession, she has dedicated her career to different organisations linked to the feminist…
President of AMMPE: “The word is our best tool to build a world without violence for women”
Punta Arenas, 21th December 2022.- The president of the Worldwide Association of Women Journalists and Writers, Elia Simeone, said that AMMPE has in the word its best tool to build a more fraternal and violence-free world for women. As the year draws to a close, Elia Simeone sent a message to all the members of…
Minister Secretary General of Government of Chile received AMMPE’s president
On Wednesday, October 19, the Minister Secretary General of the Government of Chile, Camila Vallejo, received the president of the Worldwide Association of Women Journalist and Writers (AMMPE), Elia Simeone. Also present at the meeting were Graciela Ibáñez, vice president, and Eliana Jiménez, secretary of the Chilean organizing committee for the next World Congress of…
Dichiarazione sull’assassinio della giornalista Malala Maiwand in Afghanistan
L’Associazione Mondiale di Giornaliste e Scrittrici (AMMPE) condanna l’assassinio della nostra collega afghana Malala Maiwand, uccisa a colpi d’arma da fuoco assieme al suo autista a Jalalabad (Afghanistan). Si tratta del più recente di una serie di omicidi selettivi commessi nel Paese contro figure influenti della società civile. Da circa un anno si sono intensificati…
Beatrice Viggiani poetessa dei due mondi
BEATRICE VIGGIANI POETESSA DEI DUE MONDI «La lingua è leggera e non pesa come la carne. Abito la lingua perché la lingua è leggera e non pesa come la carne»: con questi versi si apre l’antologia poetica «41», di Beatrice Viggiani, un elegante volume edito da Universosud e presentato al Polo Bibliotecario di Potenza. Tutte…
Il Capitolo Messico dell’AMMPE condanna l’attacco contro il giornalista Ciro Gómez Leyva
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