How should media outlets be compensated for ceding their content to AI?
Source: Laboratorio de Periodismo
-Professor Anya Schiffrin's checklist for editors
Gemini, la rebautizada IA de Google.
AI companies need quality content, and the media has it. But should they share it? And more importantly, how should they be compensated for it?
Anya Schiffrin, a professor at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs, has produced an analysis for Poynter in which she offers a critical and constructive view on how publishers should value news stories used by AI. He also contributes to the debate with a checklist that editors should consider in this regard.
This is the detailed list of aspects to properly consider the value news stories used by artificial intelligence systems such as extensive language models.
Checklist for publishers
1.--Collective negotiation between AI companies and publishers rather than individual:beyond reaching agreements with large media outlets, it is crucial for AIs to have a variety of sources to ensure contextualized and updated responses. This highlights the importance of collective bargaining between AI companies and a broader spectrum of publishers.
2.-2.-Transparency and compensation: the lack of clarity about what content has been used to train AI models creates an urgent need for greater transparency. In addition, fair compensation is proposed, based not only on financial exchanges, but also on credits for technological tools, avoiding the dependence of publishers on such technologies. la falta de claridad sobre qué contenido ha sido utilizado para entrenar modelos de IA genera una urgente necesidad de mayor transparencia. Además, se propone una compensación justa, que no solo se base en intercambios financieros, sino también en créditos para herramientas tecnológicas, evitando la dependencia de los editores de dichas tecnologías.
3.-Content valuation: editors have the knowledge to categorize and prioritize valuable news, a skill that should be recognized and valued in any licensing agreement. los editores poseen el conocimiento para categorizar y priorizar noticias valiosas, una habilidad que debe ser reconocida y valorada en cualquier acuerdo de licencia.
4.-Syndicated and licensed content: it is suggested that news content be treated similarly to syndicated content, with measures to ensure proper attribution and context. se sugiere tratar el contenido noticioso de manera similar al contenido sindicado, con medidas que aseguren su correcta atribución y contexto.
5.-Reliable and unique content: the reliability and uniqueness of content remains of great value. The professionalization of journalism and the production of unique content are essential elements for the success of AI models.: la confiabilidad y unicidad del contenido sigue siendo de gran valor. La profesionalización del periodismo y la producción de contenido único son elementos esenciales para el éxito de los modelos de IA.
6.-Contextualized information and authenticated images/video: the ability to provide not only data but also its relevant context, along with authenticated images and video, increases the value of content for AI companies. la capacidad de proveer no solo datos sino también su contexto relevante, junto con imágenes y vídeos autenticados, aumenta el valor del contenido para las compañías de IA.
7.-Historical archives and current content: access to historical archives and current content, along with the ability to request more information as needed, presents a valuable opportunity for publishers. el acceso a archivos históricos y contenido actual, junto con la posibilidad de solicitar más información según sea necesario, presenta una oportunidad valiosa para los editores.
8.-Writing quality and linguistic diversity: Writing quality remains important, offering a competitive advantage for publishers in less common language markets. la calidad de la escritura sigue siendo importante, ofreciendo una ventaja competitiva para los editores en mercados de idiomas menos comunes.
Proactive approach by publishers
Schiffrin advocates a proactive approach by publishers to ensure that licensing agreements with AI companies reflect the real and unique value of news content. This approach seeks not only fair compensation, but also the preservation of the integrity and quality of journalism in the digital age.