Two Argentines create a tool that uses artificial intelligence to predict the success of headlines and offer opportunities for improvement

Source: Journalism Lab, Luca de Teno Foundation

-Journalist Mariano Blejman and data scientist Paloma Urtizberea created This platform, already available as a Google Chrome extension and used by around 300 publishers in Latin America, can help improve titles, expand impact and better connect with audiences. "The effectiveness of the prediction model is between 75% and 84% accurate", highlights the media innovation specialist.

Mariano Blejman, specialist in media innovation, and Paloma Urtizberea, specialist in machine learning, are the founders of

When it comes to headlining a story, an editor thinks of two challenges simultaneously. The first has to do with finding a title that is interesting for the audience and that is faithful to what the article is about. The second is that the headline should also perform well on different platforms: that it should be found by search engines and that it should perform well on social networks. is a tool for journalists and editors that uses artificial intelligence to analyze and predict the success of headlines before publishing content. In addition to optimizing the time a journalist spends on headlining, this platform, which is now available as a Google Chrome extension, can help improve headlines, amplify impact and better connect with audiences.

This "assistant" was created by Argentine journalist Mariano Blejman, with 30 years in the industry, and physicist and machine learning specialist, also Argentine, Paloma Urtizberea, in charge of data science.

"Every content creator wants to make sure their story gets read and media owners want to optimize their content, increase audience and monetization. With we help optimize content creation before stories are published and suggest improvements with focus on creating a co-pilot," synthesizes Blejman, creator of the Media Party conference and former head of digital strategy at Grupo Octubre. is already being used in different Latin American newsrooms. Although its use is not only limited to the media: "It is a platform for content creators, editors, journalists, marketers and political consultants who want to do their work more efficiently, faster and with greater impact".

In a year in which AI tools are expected to be more integrated into editorial processes, why should a media outlet use What benefits could it bring in editorial and business terms? How does it help to achieve good search engine rankings without neglecting the quality of the articles? How does its use impact traffic to news sites? Blejman tells it all below.

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