XXV Congress of the World Association of Women Journalists and Writers announced in Antarctica

"Here are the highest latitudes in the southern hemisphere and we are close to the South Pole, the southernmost geographical point on the surface of the earth, which is on a plateau in Antarctica. We have come this far because our invitation is to climb to the summit and, from the height, to have another look, another perspective to face the main problems and challenges that, as journalists and writers, we have in the field of communications. The invitation is to understand that our north is truly here, in the south".

In this way, the president of the World Association of Women Journalists and Writers (AMMPE World) explained why, together with the vice-president of this entity, Graciela Ibáñez, she traveled in mid-January to King George Island, in the Chilean Antarctic Territory. The purpose of the trip was to announce from that remote area the next AMMPE world congress, which will be held between September 23 and 27, with Punta Arenas as its main venue.

This international event will be attended by journalists and writers from different countries of the world, as well as international and national experts on the topics that will be addressed in the different panels.

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