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Donne e Pandemia
«Donne e Pandemia» è il titolo dell’Incontro Internazionale organizzato da AMMPE a cui hanno partecipato donne provenienti da quattro continenti: America Latina, Asia, Africa ed Europa. Da tutti gli eventi è emerso un dato indiscutibile: noi donne siamo state quelle più colpite dalla pandemia in tutte le sfere della nostra vita. Ma gli interventi non si…
Stop to the underage girls wedding
A big and unknown problem in a lot of places in the world is the underage girls wedding. Sometimes they’re sold even by their own families: is one of the main axis of Zonta’s work, as it came out from the conversation between AMMPE World’s President Patricia Mayorga and Fernanda Gallo, Zonta’s International Director, about the G20 Women in Santa Margherita Ligure. As communicators from all around the world, AMMPE condemns this plague of the society
Congratulations to Nella Vulcano for her last novel for children «Le Magiche Piume»
Congratulations to our colleague and member of AMMPE Italy Nella Vulcano for her last novel for children «Le Magiche Piume» (L’Erudita, 2021), a fairy tale illustrated by Silvia Carducci, presented in Rome on July 10th. The main character, Schwarzle («blacky») flies across the world from a white European country to a «white» settlement in Southern Chile:…
World press freedom day
World Press Freedom Day: what consequences have created war and pandemic? The war and the pandemic have caused serious consequences for free information, the worsening of press freedom is now a global phenomenon. We communicators around the world have a duty to continue to denounce these injustices and abuses On May 3rd is celebrated…
Mexican Journalists ask for Justice and a Stop to the Murder of their Colleagues
Three Mexican journalists, José Luis Gamboa, Margarito Martínez Esquivel, and just a week later Lourdes Maldonado, were killed in Mexico along the first month in 2022. During the last three years Mexico sums up 28 journalists who have been killed. On January 25, people in 47 cities around Mexico rallied asking for justice. All who…
AMMPE Mexico Chapter condemns attack against journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva
The Worldwide Association of Women Journalists, Writers and Communicators, Mexico Chapter, condemned the attack suffered by colleague Ciro Gómez Leyva, describing this aggression as atrocious and cowardly. Gómez Leyva is one of Mexico’s most famous journalists, with a long career in television and radio. On Thursday night he suffered an armed attack while traveling in…