The creativity of women

Moderator: Rosa Praticò
Speakers: Maria Lodovica Marini (Italia), Antonella D’Arnese (Italia), Cecilia Domeyko (Chile), Sabrina Lembo (Italia), Francisca Skoknic (Chile), Marta Rullan (España)

Rosa Praticò: entrepreneur: creativity is an internal talent, it feeds on a fervent imagination and a creative predisposition that makes a person creative and unique. Creativity is feminine and in women it finds its maximum expression, in fact this special gift becomes a precious reserve in many situations. Creativity is a good ally in many moments of life. Today we have many means that help us to enhance our creativity but since ancient times creativity was the only possibility to make a difference in all areas. As Albert Einstein said “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, imagination embraces the world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” I would personally add that the salt of creativity is imagination.

Maria Lodovica Marini, specialist in psychopathology of language and communication, also multimedia: Through a video of testimonials that I edited from the sociologist Brené Brown, I will talk about the talent of vulnerability, as a skill because only by accepting this part creativity does not become sterile. This work of mine places the emphasis, as I have already said, on vulnerability and the discourse of shame. A shame as an obligatory step to bring out the creativity and capacity that we have in 360 degrees, as the title of my report says.

Antonella D’ Arneseagricultural entrepreneur: only with creativity can one think of carrying out an agricultural company, it is not easy to reconcile the bond with the land. We start in the morning to see how to conserve, how to transform a territory with creativity. Surely, in recent years, the pandemic has strengthened this bond on everyone’s part: the bond with the land becomes a quality of life, so that only by safeguarding the territory can we save life. Let us think of the creativity of our grandmothers who woke up understanding how it was possible to exploit what the earth offered with the few means available. Therefore, it is not rash to say that only creativity can make a difference and that creativity is the spice of life.

Cecilia Domeykojournalist, filmmaker, writer: thanks to my work as a producer of programs for North American television, I analyzed the issue of the United States-Mexico border. For 10 years I designed and produced a public information campaign aimed at the Latino community in the United States whose research led me to tour many border towns. The purpose of the campaign was to create television shows that talked about the challenges migrants face when crossing and then arriving in “El Norte”. I spoke with hundreds of migrant families for a decade and that allowed me to learn in depth the reasons that lead these people to risk everything to cross the border, what their dreams are, what terrible dangers they face at the crossing, especially women, and upon reaching their destination, what are the challenges they face to integrate into a new reality. This is where the idea for my novel Sacrifice on the Border: A Mother Searches for her Stolen Child was born. Sacrificio en la Frontera: Una Madre Busca a su Niño Robado.

Marta Rullangiournalist: despite the current uncertainty in which society is plunged, there is a key certainty: information is a right and its restriction, the violation of a fundamental freedom to understand the world in which we live. In this context, to speak today of women and the media is to speak of the fact that access to management, where the decisions that make a difference are made, remains closed to female journalists, since only 24% of managerial positions in the media are occupied. by women in Spain in the 21st century, a small advance that shows how long the road to equality is.

Sabrina Lemboentrepreneurial, journalist writer: creativity for us women is basic and natural, today we will give voice to this talent that is very feminine, in my sector in particular, since I am also a journalist and writer and entrepreneur in the oil sector. I have combined creativity in my sector with culture, given the historicity of my company that has been producing olive oil since 1890. At the time when I became personally interested in the company, I wanted to see production as a food culture and not just as a product. Precisely with regard to the creativity we are talking about, I have created an award called “good to be discarded” every year the award ceremony takes place at the Campidoglio. The intention is to spread, in the new generations, the desire to learn their Mediterranean values ​​from their roots and culture.

Francisca Skocnic, journalist: for a long time, traditional Chilean media saw the Internet as a good tool and a new medium, but they refused to accept that it was destroying their business model and that they needed to change. In 2017, three women set out to show that journalists could create their own media and innovate in the way they report. This is how LaBot was born, first as a news chatbot that later became a journalistic microplatform that uses different media, languages ​​and genres.

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