The University of the Basque Country creates the Observatory of Sexist Journalism to monitor sexist news and offer practical solutions

Source: Luca de Tena Foundation



The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) together with the Association of Women Journalists Pikara Magazine have launched the Observatory of Macho Journalism, a project born with the aim of identifying and publicly exposing those cases of journalism that perpetuate gender stereotypes.

The project is born through a website and various platforms on social networks such as Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.

The proposal of the Observatorio del Periodismo Machista is based on a system of continuous detection of sexist journalistic practices, complemented by a complaints channel open to the public. However, its mission goes beyond mere denunciation, as it seeks to offer practical and constructive solutions to promote egalitarian journalism.

This includes the categorization and publication of the cases detected, accompanied by a detailed explanation of why they are classified as sexist, what has been done by the media in question and the recommendations to correct such practices.

The Observatory emerges as a result of the University-Business-Society call of the UPV/EHU, an initiative that promotes high quality research and knowledge transfer. Behind this project is the Bitartez research group, classified as type A by the Basque university system, and the close collaboration with Pikara Magazine, recognized for its coverage of feminist issues.

According to the promoters, the Observatory seeks to be a meeting point for diverse actors committed to gender equality, including the media, companies and other public institutions. The initiative aims to mobilize civil society towards a common goal: the eradication of sexist journalism.

The team in charge of carrying out this project is made up of academics and communication professionals from the UPV/EHU, as well as members of the Association of Women Journalists of Pikara Magazine.

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