May 1st 2021
We remember all those female and male workers who lost their lives both for a job accident and Covid, hoping we will take our lives back again.
Roma, 1st. May 2021
We remember all those female and male workers who lost their lives both for a job accident and Covid, hoping we will take our lives back again.
Roma, 1st. May 2021
Oggi, 23 Aprile, Giornata Internazionale del Libro, in quanto Associazione Mondiale Giornaliste e Scrittrici (AMMPE) rendiamo omaggio alle nostre amiche e colleghe scrittrici!
According to data from ENI FOR 2021, Eni’s female staff increased by 1.6 percentage points compared to 2020. And women occupy 27.3% of positions of responsibility Eleonora, Serena, Miriam are female engineers, respectively specialized in mechanics, chemistry and nuclear power. I am Ambassador of Eni and testify that STEM subjects and scientific works are…
Incontriamoci su Zoom: “Donne e pandemia” 10 marzo 12:00 am (CET) ID riunione: 823 8290 3118 Passcode: NE4SK8 Passcode USA: 860618 Evento su Facebook live: AMMPE World Direct link
Interesting and complete complaint against an «apparently blameless» person Paolo is an apparently «respectable» journalist who enjoys respect in public opinion. He is one of the many individuals that society commonly identifies as a «good person», exemplary, worthy of admiration for what he says and what he shows to do. However, one day two women…
Punta Arenas, 21 dicembre 2022.- La presidente dell’Associazione Mondiale delle Donne Giornaliste e Scrittrice, Elia Simeone, ha affermato che l’AMMPE ha nella parola il suo miglior strumento per contribuire a costruire un mondo più fraterno e libero dalla violenza per le donne. Mentre l’anno volge al termine, Elia Simeone ha inviato un messaggio a tutte…