President of AMMPE USA receives Women with Vision Award

Powerful, determined, of high standards and great generosity, super energetic, focused and, above all, passionate. These were some of the adjectives used in the tribute to Cecilia Domeyko, who received this year's Women of Vision Award from Women in Film, Video and Television (WIFTI).

Cecilia Domeyko chairs the U.S. chapter of the World Association of Women Journalists and Writers (AMMPE World).

The Women of Vision Award is given once a year by Women in Film and Video and Television (WIFTI), an umbrella organization of 10,000 women working in film and television. The award is given annually to women "who have contributed through their work to the betterment of society". The award is presented at a grand ceremony in Washington, D.C., at which a biographical video of the winner is shown.



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