AMMPE World:
Its transformave path and its total commitment to gender equity
By Elia Simeone R.
President of AMMPE World
From Punta Arenas, the capital of the Region of Magallanes and Chilean Antarc ca, I send you warm gree ngs in my capacity as president of the Worldwide Associa on of Women Journalists and Writers (AMMPE World).
I can only thank you for the confidence that AMMPE members placed in me during the last World Congress in Rome, where I was elected to preside this associa on for the period 2022-2024.
We are in a changing interna onal context, with diverse reali es, and it is absolutely necessary to ra fy and promote the principles and values that AMMPE World established at its first World Congress held in Mexico City in 1969.
Our associa on was born with the purpose of suppor ng the development of women journalists and writers, having as a key tool to improve and strengthen the collabora on between these professionals in as many countries as possible (updated Statutes 2022).
AMMPE World has been a flagship organiza on with respect to its purposes of advancing greater equality for women, achieving interna onal connota on and having as its main milestone its biannual World Congress, which has been held in different countries.
However, today our associa on must operate in the midst of a world in which democra c freedoms, truth and sustainability are at risk. These risks, the ver ginous advance of new technologies and forms of communica on and the growing demands of women to develop and live a life free of violence impose AMMPE to undertake a transforma on path that allows it to be a modern en ty of the 21st century..
For this reason, the current 2022-2024 presidency has proposed to undertake a path of ins tu onal strengthening and strengthening its es with the related na onal associa ons and, at the same me, work to make AMMPE more visible and ensure that its voice has greater influence in the world.
In pursuit of this vision and objec ves, we will preferably work on the following topics:
- Democracy, freedom of expression, disinforma on and polariza on of audiences.
- Eliminate of violence and cyber-bullying against women and the promo on of safety for women journalists and writers.
- New technologies: their poten al and risks; and new audiences.
- Biocultural ethics and environmental protec on.
These are challenging mes and AMMPE World has a clear role to play in defending freedom of expression and the safe exercise of the professions of its members and women around the world.
One of the main milestones of this presidency will be the organiza on of the XXV AMMPE World Congress in Punta Arenas, at the end of September 2024.
I will be wai ng for you in this city, the gateway to Antarc ca, which for many is geographically the end of the planet, but which can be seen as the beginning of everything and the pole where there are infinite possibili es for the world.
Directorio Mundial
Más sobre AMMPE
Asociación Mundial de Mujeres Periodistas y Escritoras
The Worldwide Association of Women Journalists and Writers (AMMPE) was founded in 1969 in Mexico City with the aim of encouraging the association and collaboration of these professionals and supporting their development in conditions of equality and in safe and violence-free environments.
AMMPE World is an international organization that works with national chapters, with which it push forward an agenda to promote the rights of women journalists and writers, based on fundamental principles of respect for human rights, freedom of expression, justice, equality and knowledge sharing.
Since its creation, AMMPE World convenes a World Congress every two years, which has been held in countries such as Mexico, the United States, Israel, Chile, Spain, Taiwan, Argentina, Great Britain and Italy. These meetings are attended by journalists and writers from around the world to analyze and discuss all those issues that are part of the concerns and challenges of the AMMPE World agenda. Together with experts and speakers of the highest level, topics such as the digital future, the importance of social diversity in the news, freedom of expression in the face of globalization, increase in murders of journalists, women and their other view and creativity and cyberbullying have been addressed.
In September 2022, after two years of pandemic, the line of world congresses was reactivated and AMMPE World met in Rome, where human rights, human dignity and migration, climate change, the effects of the health crisis on women, the persistence of stereotypes and gender language, hoaxes and the new challenges of journalism in the digital era were discussed.
Now, under the Chilean presidency of AMMPE World, the 25th World Congress is being organized to be held the last week of September next year in Punta Arenas, capital city of the Region of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica (Chile).