Source: Reuters Institute, University of Oxford

Overview and key findings of the Digital News Report 2024

Nico Newman

June 2024

This year's report comes at a time when around half the world's population has gone to the polls in national and regional elections, and as wars continue to rage in Ukraine and Gaza. In these difficult times, accurate and independent journalism remains more important than ever, yet in many of the countries covered in our survey we found that the media are increasingly challenged by growing misinformation and disinformation, low trust, attacks from politicians, and an uncertain business environment.

This year, our country pages are full of examples of layoffs, closures and other cutbacks due to a combination of rising costs, falling advertising revenues and sharp drops in social media traffic. In some parts of the world, these economic challenges have made it even more difficult for media outlets to resist pressures from powerful businessmen or governments seeking to influence coverage and control narratives.

The key links: Explore our Digital News Report 2024 here | Check out data from your country | Download a PDF version | Explore our interactive | Lee este resumen ejecutivo en español