I also denunced

Interesting and complete complaint against an «apparently blameless» person

Paolo is an apparently «respectable» journalist who enjoys respect in public opinion. He is one of the many individuals that society commonly identifies as a «good person», exemplary, worthy of admiration for what he says and what he shows to do.

However, one day two women and a boy decide to report him for the psychological and physical violence they suffered during their relationship with the same man, clashing with the distrust of the community, inexperienced in recognizing reality, beyond appearances.

I also denounced  by Sabrina Lembo wants to be a symbol of love and redemption for all those women, and not only, who suffer psychological violence, even before physical violence. The text, freely reinterpreted, based on facts that actually happened to real people, written in Italian and Spanish, is in collaboration with the Onlus Vite senza paura of Maria Grazia Cucinotta, which supported the initiative.

The book is also an international project that sees the involvement of entities, associations, universities, institutions in Italy, Spain and South America, to which everyone is called to join, because violence is fought with the culture of respect for the other. On the occasion of the international women’s day, I also denounced was awarded by the European Parliament on 8 March 2021 for the social commitment carried out in Italy and abroad, in favor of victims of psychological and physical violence.

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More info: www.sabrinalembo.com

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