May 1st 2021
We remember all those female and male workers who lost their lives both for a job accident and Covid, hoping we will take our lives back again.
Roma, 1st. May 2021
We remember all those female and male workers who lost their lives both for a job accident and Covid, hoping we will take our lives back again.
Roma, 1st. May 2021
World Press Freedom Day: what consequences have created war and pandemic? The war and the pandemic have caused serious consequences for free information, the worsening of press freedom is now a global phenomenon. We communicators around the world have a duty to continue to denounce these injustices and abuses On May 3rd is celebrated…
Forbes Chile magazine named journalists Antonia Orellana, Mónica Rincón and Mónica González among the 30 most powerful women in Chile. The editorial team describes each of our colleagues as follows: Antonia Orellana, Minister of Women’s Affairs and Gender Equality A journalist by profession, she has dedicated her career to different organisations linked to the feminist…
Due omicidi in due luoghi molto distanti, ma uniti dal dolore e dall’impotenza di fronte all’assassinio delle due giornaliste Shireen Abu Akleh e Francisca Sandoval, il cui unico crimine è stato quello di raccontare la verità, una in Israele, l’altra in Cile. Entrambi gli omicidi costituiscono un crimine contro la stampa e l’umanità: la giornalista…
Un ricordo a tutte le lavoratrici e I lavoratori che hanno perso la vita, sia per incidenti sul lavoro, sia per il Covid, augurando di poter riprenderci presto le nostre vite. Roma, 1 maggio 2021
Ancora una volta la scrittrice Nella Vulcano ci sorprende con la sua tenera favola “La casetta nella neve”, (ed. L’Erudita, Roma 2021), presentata a Roma da Patricia Mayorga, Presidente dell’Associazione Mondiale delle Donne Giornaliste e Scrittori (AMMPE), insieme all’autrice, al Maestro Salvatore Conforti, fondatore del progetto “Philosophy for children” (Filosofia per i bambini) e alla…
The Worldwide Association of Women Journalists, Writers and Communicators, Mexico Chapter, condemned the attack suffered by colleague Ciro Gómez Leyva, describing this aggression as atrocious and cowardly. Gómez Leyva is one of Mexico’s most famous journalists, with a long career in television and radio. On Thursday night he suffered an armed attack while traveling in…