The detention of women journalists in Iran is a serious attack on press freedom and tramples women’s rights

The Worldwide Association of Women Journalists and Writers (AMMPE) expresses its dismay at the repressive policy of the Iranian regime that has resulted in the detention of an unprecedented number of women journalists as part of its offensive to control the protests sparked by the murder of the young Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini.

For AMMPE, this Iranian policy constitutes an attack on freedom of the press and expression, which is an essential human right and a pillar in the construction of democratic societies and guarantors of the rights of their citizens.

In particular, we reject the attacks against women journalists that seem to be increasing exponentially around the world and, in this case, we repudiate the selective attack that – as denounced by Reporters Without Borders – seeks to «silence women’s voices».

As the Worldwide Association of Women Journalists and Writers, we oppose all state policies that express misogyny and are based on hate speech. Iran’s policy of repression continues to advance as the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists was commemorated on November 2, and it is worth noting that two of the women detained in that nation face the death penalty.

We join in the worldwide consternation at what is happening in Iran and offer our support to all efforts to address the current growing crisis of freedom of expression and to counter violence against women, including women journalists.

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