Video conference with the IILA (Italian- Latin-American Institute) general secretary

The past Jun 30th, AMMPE Italy had organized a video conference with the IILA (Italian- Latin-American Institute) general secretary of Rome, Antonella Cavallari, and the socio-economic secretary, Sarah Cordero Pinchansky, to better know the projects that the institution, established in 1966, is carrying on the benefit of the Latin-American women with the objective of reducing the gender gap.
During the conference the IILA members illustrated different projects, some of them aimed at the empowerment of women in areas like crafts, jewelry, ceramic, flowers cultivation, fashion, in countries like Paraguay, Bolivia, Honduras, El Salvador. During the pandemic time, and because the women’s work was strongly affected, IILA is trying to facilitate the women’s insertion in the labor world through a better digital preparation or doing online courses. A course about tourism, for instance, one of the areas most hit by the pandemic, was really a success and 62% of the enrolled in the course were women.

Link to meeting

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